About the Artwork

Commisioners — Bonner Kunstverrein,
Bonn, Germany

Poster-changers – generally used for revolving billboards – are incorporated into a seating structure resembling a waving ribbon. The two connected displays, each bearing six drawings, create a seemingly endless sequence of urban landscapes and objects in space. Much like a film edit, scenes are cut together, producing an abstract narrative, a meandering journey through a maze-like environment.

Gabriel Lester has redesigned the billboards for Sculpture in the City, creating a new sequence of sites and settings that respond to the artwork’s setting in Bury Court. This edit describes a journey from the formation of ideas in abstraction, to the physical streets of London city, with its hidden history and mysteries.

Year: 2014

Copyright the artist, courtesy of the artist and Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam Photo:© Nick Turpin


Metal, wood, fluorescent light, billboard


336.5 x 385 x 255 cm

Artist Biography

Gabriel Lester

Gabriel Lester was born in Amsterdam (1972). He currently lives and works in Amsterdam. His artworks consist of installations, performances and film/video. Other activities include commissioned artworks for the public space, film directing, teaching and writing. Lester’s artwork, films and installations originate from a desire to tell stories and construct environments that support these stories or propose their own narrative interpretation. In early years this led him to writing prose and composing electronic music. Later, after studying cinema and eventually fine arts, his artworks became what could be typified as cinematographic, without necessarily employing film or video. Like cinema, Lester’s practice has come to embrace all imaginable media and occupy both time and space. The artworks propose a tension span and are either implicitly narrative, explicitly visual or both at once. These artworks seldom convey any explicit message or singular idea, but rather propose ways to relate to the world, how it is presented and what mechanisms and components constitute our perception and understanding of it.