Chapter 6

About the Activity

Exploring Sculpture in the City: Abstract Model Making


Watch the short animation below to set the scene for Chapter 6.

Explore Sculpture in the City with abstract model making activities:

  • That are inspired by and experiment with certain aspects of selected sculptures, e.g the structure of or ideas behind the artwork.
  • Which use different modelling techniques (using paper or thin card), and develop making skills useful for the final chapter (7), when students will be asked to come up with ideas for a sculpture/ public artwork in St Helen’s Square (featured in chapter 4).
  • Watch artist Marisa Ferreira talk about her sculpture, ‘Series Industrial Windows I’ before making window frame sculptures out of recycled materials.

These creative activities provide a learning journey that develop skills and knowledge relating to Art & Design National Curriculum targets for ages 10-14 (years 6-9).

Click the link to download the teacher’s guide, full chapter in-class presentation (which includes the video links) and activity pack for printing.